Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Ben Cole

Many know I do not like the way Ben Cole acts in the blogosphere. Even if you think there is real change that needs to happen in the SBC, Ben Cole makes it easy for those who do not want change to stop it in its tracks. All who publicly ask for change can now be compared to Ben and his antics. They can now be brushed off and not even engaged seriously. I have tried to demonstrate to some on to think what their affiliation with Ben is doing to their lasting influence. Ben cole is often rude and crude in his posts. He privately and publicly ridicules many. I know of one consistent blogger who won't go to SBCoutpost because of him. Also this same blogger sent him an email to see if they could work things out in a biblical way. What was Ben Cole's reply? Basically that the blogger needed to grow up. I think Ben needs to take his own advice there.

I found the link below that filled me in on just how Ben Cole became what he is today. How he is more interested in the politics of the SBC than Christ like love and service. It is interesting that i can find his blog easily while searching on Google but not his church's website. (if there is one). I think it is sad when church politics become more important than faith.

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